Minka Holtrop, Dairy Cows

Dairy Cows

Minka Holtrop

12th Grade

Sharpie Pen on Empty Milk Carton

Freeport High School

Freeport, ME

Cumberland County

Teacher: Kimberly Medsker-Mehalic

“Cows are huge methane emitters, and the dairy industry plays a major part in producing greenhouse gases. I wanted to show something that connected the milk we drink to the cows that make it, and show the grunginess and grit that comes with those cows. I had the idea to use an empty milk carton to show this connection, also because a milk carton is a barrier that keeps milk in. This relates to methane as a greenhouse gas that keeps heat in, playing a part in causing the warming climate of our planet.”

Guest User9th-12th