Bailey Erickson, Memories Pass

My name is Bailey Erickson and I am a senior at Portland High School. I created these pieces with the themes of memory and abstract. The stands are made of extruded aluminum and lexan. I made the base of the “heads” out of tin foil, then I paper mâchéd the changed images onto a paper base on the tin foil. The floating photos were hung with fishing line on a cross stitch canvas and a shower curtain ring and I used beads to weigh down the fishing line. This was a process that challenged me a lot; I had never used paper mâché before, I have also never made 3D pieces in a way that was so complex before. This project made me open my eyes to more possibilities and new ideas when it comes to the art space. I chose the theme of memory. Memory plays a role in how we structure our lives. I liked the concept of giving away or receiving memories. I think storytelling and/or sharing memories is a very important part of history and how we live as a society. This piece as a whole can be read in multiple ways whether it be read left to right as giving memories away, or vice versa, taking in memories.  

Materials: Aluminum, Lexan, edited photographs, paper mâché, tin foil, metal, fishing line, canvas, beads, glue, etc. 

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